Paladins and politicians

The new, fancy-looking Parliament House of Georgia
The new, fancy-looking Parliament House of Georgia

Today marks the anniversary of three landmark historical events in Australia’s history: the date that we opened our first parliament, in Melbourne (1901); the date that the Australian Parliament first convened in Canberra (1927); and the date that the new Parliament House was opened by Queen Elizabeth II (1988). As such, we’ve compiled a series of links about governments, politics and parliaments. discusses politics and message fiction in the context of sci-fi and fantasy

i09 runs through 12 futuristic forms of government

Five of the best parliament buildings from – including, apparently, our own futurist parliament house!

-A fairly extensive list for writers to consult when thinking about what kind of government might suit their worlds

-A writer’s walk-through of world-building, considering economics, politics and history

-Juliet McKenna argues “contemporary fantasy becomes a platform to debate key, current social and political challenges”

-Stephen King thinks that “it’s tiring to see the world look more and more like George Orwell’s vision”

A fantastic essay by Overland about the relationship between politics and literature

Governments are actually planning for these five apocalyptic scenarios

-Bonus: the story behind Georgia’s futuristic parliament building

Perhaps instead of government, you'd rather just be lead by an eagle-god. Source:
Perhaps instead of government, you’d rather just be lead by an eagle-god. Source: