Aurealis #45
- Lachlan Huddy
- Aimee Smith
Plus an interview with Glenda Larke and book reviews.
From the Cloud – Dirk Strasser
The Bunyipslayer and the Bounty Hunter – Lachlan Huddy
One Hundred Years – Aimee Smith
Breakfast with Glenda Larke – Crisetta MacLeod
Carissa's Weblog – Carissa Thorp
If you are reading this, we have both entered a new world. This is the first epublication of Aurealis magazine. It's been 21 years, almost to the day, since Stephen Higgins and I published the very first issue. For over 20 years Aurealis has been trapped inside the physical world of hard copy. Up until issue #44, the magazine has been confined by paper pages and the three dimensions of the book format. Now we've escaped. And there's no going back. We believe a publication devoted to fantasy and science fiction should be at the forefront of change. So here we are. Right on the edge. Helping create a new type of speculative fiction magazine. If you've enjoyed Aurealis in the past, we trust you'll find the same devotion to quality and commitment to supporting new authors. If you have just discovered Aurealis, then we have achieved our aim of showcasing new fantasy and science fiction to the widest possible audience.
It's been a tradition for Aurealis editors to use the heading 'From the bunker' when talking directly to our readers in our monthly ebulletin AurealisXpress. Though we all loved the job, there was always a sense that we were stuck somewhere, under siege from the demands of a paper magazine, doing our best but with only vague hopes of one day being able to stick our heads up and coming out from under. With this first issue of the new world Aurealis, we are merging AurealisXpress and Aurealis magazine with what will become a monthly emag that combines the quality new fiction and non-fiction of Aurealis with the up-to-date reviews and information of AurealisXpress. We would like to acknowledge Stuart Mayne who edited Aurealis from issue #37 to #44. His fine work has enabled us to launch Aurealis as an epublication, and works which he selected will appear over the first four issues.
In this issue we feature the return of the legendary bunyipslayer in a brilliant story by Lachlan Huddy, a harrowing fairy tale from Aimee Smith, and an interview with Glenda Larke. We also introduce our v-view concept 'book reviewing done via video clips' and our feedback survey where you can tell us instantly what you like and don't like. We are no longer in the bunker; from now on we'll be speaking to you 'From the cloud'.
Thank you for joining us as we explore these new worlds. Let's see what lies glittering ahead.
Dirk Strasser