Terry Dowling’s Basic Black: Tales of Appropriate Fear (Cemetery Dance Publications) was announced the joint winner of the International Horror Guild award for best collection at the World Fantasy Convention in Saratago Springs, New York.
Month: March 2025
SFFANZ awards nominations open
The Sir Julius Vogel sub-committee of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand is currently accepting nominations for science fiction and fantasy works first published in the 2007 calendar year.
Nominations open on November 1, 2007 and close on January 26, 2008.
You can find full details about the nomination procedures and rules, including eligibility criteria. Detailed nomination FAQ are available.
To make a nomination please email: sjv_awards@sffanz.sf.org.nz. Please send one nomination per email and include as many contact details as possible for the nominee as well as yourself.
For more information about SFFANZ and the SJV Awards, please go to the SFFANZ web-site.
National Writing Competition
Saturday 1 December: IP Picks National Writing Competition for Unpublished Manuscripts closes. Now in its seventh year, the IP Picks national writing competition is now open for submissions! Offering royalty publication to the winners in the Best Fiction, Best Creative Non-fiction, Best Poetry and Best First Book, the competition offers an excellent opportunity for established and emerging authors to be published with one of Australia's leading independent publishers. Highly Commended and Commended entries are also considered for publication. To see the conditions and download an entry form, and to view past winners, please go to http://www.ipoz.biz/ip/ip_picks.htm