Celebrate 500 Aurealis FaceBook Page Likes with free issues!

To celebrate reaching 500 Likes on the Aurealis Facebook Page, we’re going to make 5 issues of Aurealis (#51, #52, #53, #54 & #55) FREE for 24 HOURS starting from 5.00pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) Monday 13 January and finishing 5.00pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 14 January.  Grab the issues from here:


10 Aurealis Stories make the Tangent Online 2013 Recommended Reading List


Tangent, the genre's premiere review magazine for short SF & Fantasy, has listed ten Aurealis stories in its 2013 Recommended Reading List, including two with 2 stars and one with 3 stars.  With very few exceptions, the other stories on the list are from professionally paying markets as defined by SFWA (5c/wd). Here are the Aurealis stories that made the list:


 Monday-Child” by C.S. McMullen (Aurealis #57, 2/13)) F


Where Colossi Sleep” by Daniel Baker (Aurealis #57, 2/13) SF*


Catspaw” by James Bradley (Aurealis #60 5/13) F**


“Kernel” by Sean Monaghan (Aurealis #61, 6/13) SF


Remnants” by Dan Rabarts (Aurealis #62, 7/13) F*


“The Pillar of the Small God” by Gerry Huntman (Aurealis #63, 8/13) SF*


“Prophet” by Liam Pieper (Aurealis #63, 8/13) SF*


“Intelligent Design” by Marta Salek (Aurealis #64, 9/13) SF***


“Poppies” by S G Larner (Aurealis #65, 10/13) F*


“Butcher’s Hook” by Jason Franks (Aurealis #65, 10/13) F**