ABC RN's The Book Show explores the universe of Star Trek books. The audio is available for streaming or download.
Author: Chimaera Publications
Book Import Debate
Garth Nix was on ABC TV's Lateline program Thursday evening debating Australia's planned book importing restrictions with Don Grover, CEO of Dymocks.
Carissa's Weblog
Free ebook from John Birmingham
John Birmingham's Weapons of Choice is one of the new free titles available at Suvudu Free library this month.
Alison Goodman at InsideADog
Alison Goodman is Writer in Residence at InsideADog for the month of May.
Chat with Maria Quinn
According to Voyager's Captain's Log newsletter, Australian Women Online is running a live online chat with Maria Quinn, author of The Gene Thieves, today (Fri, 1st May) at 8pm. I'm assuming it'll be in the Book Club forum, though it is unclear. The website also has an interview/review.
Carissa's Weblog
Sydney Writers' Festival
SF & related events of interest at this year's Sydney Writers' Festival include:
Writing Fantasy: Workshop with Richard Harland 16/5
Writing Fantasy: Workshop with Richard Harland 17/5
Emily Rodda Talks 17/5
John Flanagan at Blacktown Library 19/5
Catherine Jinks at Penrith Library 20/5
CBCA Writing Masterclass with Kate Forsyth 21/5
Children's Literature for Adults 22/5
Research and Writing 23/5
Ranger's Apprentice with John Flanagan 24/5
Black Holes, Wormholes and Vomit Balls in Space 24/5
The Secrets of Writing Fantasy for Young Adults 24/5
It's All Formulaic 24/5
Carissa's Weblog
Emily Rodda Interview
ABC Radio's Conversations program features a 50 minute interview with Emily Rodda (Jennifer Rowe). The audio is available for download.
Carissa's Weblog
So You Want to be a YA Writer?
This year's Reading Matters Conference is sold out but places are still available (as of 28th April) for So You Want to be a YA Writer? featuring Alison Goodman.
Carissa's Weblog
Richard Morgan in Melbourne
Richard Morgan will be at the following Melbourne events in May.
Friday 7th:
12pm Minotaur, 121 Elizabeth St, Melbourne. Meet & Greet. Signing Store Stock. Contact: Paul Duncanson (03) 9670 5414.
1.10pm Dymocks Southland, Nepean Hwy, Cheltenham. Meet & Greet. Signing Store Stock. Contact: Chuck McKenzie
9pm Melbourne Science Fiction Club, St Davids West Brunswick Uniting Church, 74 Melville Rd, West Brunswick. Guest Speaker, Slowglass to sell books at the event. Contact: Murray MacLachlan.
Saturday 8th:
12pm Nova Mob, Community Room, Northcote Library, 32-38 Separation St, Northcote. Guest Speaker, Slowglass to sell books at the event. Contact: Lucy Sussex, Julian Warner, Justin Ackroyd (03) 9489 0893.
Carissa's Weblog
Writer's Website Launch
Mark Turner, a slush reader for Aurealis, has launched Rivergum Press, "a live, on-line Community for Writers and Writing-related Professionals and Amateurs alike", with forums, user-submitted resources, news and events, and a blog and online magazine, open for submissions. Check it out.
Carissa's Weblog