You think you know Australian history? Think again. Season 2 of Apocryphal Australia brings more results from years of research into the little known corners of this wide brown land, with bits of green.
Author: Dirk Strasser
Non Fiction needed!
Dear Aurealis Contributors (past and present)
Thank you to those who contributed non-fiction for Aurealis in 2022 and earlier.It’s time to look to 2023 – Issues 157-166. So I’d like to formally call for non-fiction submissions for 2023 and hope you will continue to write for Aurealis.Let me know if you’ve got any ideas you’d like to pitch. If you know of any fellow writers who may like to contribute non-fiction to Aurealis, I’d love to hear from them.We already have Gillian Polack continuing to write for Aurealis about early Australian SF, Lynne Green is covering pioneering female SF writers and Amy Laurens is going to dissect Discworld.
So, if you’ve got an idea for an article or even a series of articles, I’d love to hear from you.
Cheers Terry Wood Non-fiction Co-ordinator
Associate Editor, Aurealis
Clewe – The new album from Stephen Higgins
Stephen Higgins has released a new album of ten instrumental pieces. You can listen to ‘Clewe’ wherever you get your music from or you can buy it at Bandcamp. You can hear it at Spotify here

Apocryphal Australia Podcast
Apocryphal Australia brings you stories from Australia’s past that are outlandish and eye-opening, tales that have been overlooked, forgotten and neglected. We feature fiascos and deal with debacles as well as extol triumphs and acclaim achievements. No achievement is too small, no ignominy too embarrassing for us to bring them to you. Your hosts are Michael Pryor and Stephen Higgins.

Stephen Higgins New Album

The latest album of instrumental music from Stephen Higgins is available everywhere now!
‘A Kettle of Different Fish’ is the sixth album from Aurealis Co-Editor Stephen Higgins. It features 8 tracks of instrumental music ranging from the long languid ‘Lake’ to the rockier ‘Three Streets’.
‘A Kettle of Different Fish’ is available on Spotify and all other music streaming sites and is also available from Bandcamp!