May 2015 Update: A fascinating (and in-depth) article from the New York Review of Books about Gibson’s works and life
This week saw the anniversary of William Gibson’s birth. Gibson is one of the canonical writers of early cyberpunk fiction, and his book Neuromancer was the first to win all three of the Hugo, Nebula and Philip K. Dick awards. Today’s post hits up some of the interviews that shed light on Gibson, as well as a few nicks and nacks.
–An audio interview between the BBC World Service and Gibson (49 minutes)
-Bruce Bethke, whose eponymous story gave name to the subculture, writes on the etymology of ‘cyberpunk’
–The Guardian speaks with Gibson in the wake of the release of his latest book The Peripheral
-In contrast, an interview with Gibson back from 1985, which includes a prescient prediction about Michael Jackson
–6 cyberpunk books to introduce you to the cyberpunk literary genre
–The trajectory of cyberpunk is traced by the Guardian
-A video from the Chicago Humanities Festival, where Gibson speaks on the decline of ‘Cyberspace’
-For a laugh, here’s Lorem Gibson – a website that provides filler text, ala Lorem Ipsum, based on Gibson’s work